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One thing we can do to make the world around children a better place

Getting along with a well-mannered person , you may feel comfortable , bright and respectable. Well , how do you make people around you feel the same way as well? It is simple . Greet people with a sunny smile , always say please and don’t forget to say thank you, notice your parents when you get home, and use both hands when you receive something from your teacher. In addition, manners are also important in public. Yield your seat to the elderly, give priority to pedestrians every time you drive, and let the people in the elevator come out first before you go in . Above are some significant things which can do good to the world and they can be easily done by anyone. including students .

As you see, being polite can change the world in many ways, Being polite is not only about one’s self, but about how people communicate with one another. If one shows respect to others , he or she will surely be treated the same way. Therefore , being polite can definitely make the world a better place.



  1. 让我们用最灿烂的笑容面对你的朋友
  2. 千万不要吝惜对别人说:谢谢
  3. 回到家给爸爸妈妈最热情的问候
  4. 请尊敬你的老师
  5. 诚实友好对待身边的人




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